Rates & Regulatory Affairs

Kingston Hydro Scorecard for the year 2023

Scorecard measures are used by OEB to assess Kingston Hydro’s effectiveness in achieving customer focus, operational effectiveness, public policy responsiveness, and financial performance.

Kingston Hydro Scorecard for 2023

Regulatory Affairs

Kingston Hydro owns the wires, poles, transformers and meters that bring electricity from the provincial electricity transmission grid to 28,000 homes and businesses in Central Kingston, Canadian Forces Base Kingston, and parts of Barriefield Village.

The assets of the corporation are proudly maintained and operated by the employees of Utilities Kingston, providing customer service and cost-saving advantages through multi-utility services that include water, wastewater, gas and electricity, as well as a fibre optics provider.


As a regulated distributor of electricity in Ontario, Kingston Hydro abides by legislation that includes the Electricity Act, 1998.

Like all other local distribution companies, Kingston Hydro is required by law to keep up-to-date with code requirements established by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB, the regulator of Ontario’s electricity distribution industry). Adherence to these requirements helps ensure the safety and reliability of the electricity infrastructure. One such requirement is to make available to customers the Conditions of Service, which outline Kingston Hydro’s operating practices and connection policies.

Many of Kingston Hydro’s activities and programs are the result of following requirements common to all local distribution companies. Adoption of smart meters and time-of-use billing for residential and small business customers are two examples of this.

Kingston Hydro’s Distribution Rates


“Transmission” delivers electricity at greater than 50,000 volts.

“Distribution” (what Kingston Hydro does) is electricity delivery at lesser voltages.

Kingston Hydro’s distribution rates and charges, as specified in the Tariff of Rates and Charges are approved by the Ontario Energy Board. For residential and small business customers, distribution rates are included along with transmission charges in the rolled-up “Delivery” line of your bill.

In order to make a change to what Kingston Hydro charges its customers for electricity distribution, the company must make a public application to the Ontario Energy Board seeking approval for distribution rate changes.

Kingston Hydro’s Most Recent Applications

Kingston Hydro’s application for electricity distribution rates beginning January 1, 2025: EB-2024-0037

Older Kingston Hydro Applications

Kingston Hydro Documents From the OEB Web Site

OEB Applications and Related Documents

Search for documents related to any application to the OEB by entering its case number below.

Search results and documents provided by the Ontario Energy Board.

Complete information on these applications can be obtained by contacting the OEB Secretary toll-free at 1-888-632-6273. Printed copies of these regulatory filings can also be viewed at the Ontario Energy Board’s public file room, as well as at:

Kingston Hydro Corporation

1211 John Counter Boulevard

Kingston, ON K7L 4X7

or, phone Customer Service at 613-546-1181 – ask for Regulatory Affairs

Electricity rate plans: it's your choice!

If you’re a residential or small business customer, including residential or small business net metering customers, who pays Time-of-Use (TOU) electricity prices, you can choose to switch to Tiered or Ultra-Low Overnight (ULO) prices. 

With TOU and ULO, the price you pay depends on when you use electricity. With Tiered prices, you can use a certain amount of electricity each month at a lower price. Once that limit is exceeded, a higher price applies. 

The TOU, Tiered and ULO prices apply to the electricity commodity portion of the bill. 

If you want to continue paying TOU prices, no action is required. Utilities Kingston's electricity customers, who would like to switch to Tiered or ULO prices, can use the online election form.

For more information on TOU, Tiered and ULO pricing and tools to help you decide which price structure is right for you, please visit www.oeb.ca/choice.

Ontario’s System-Wide Electricity Supply Mix

Questions About Your Billing Statement?

For an explanation of the electricity charges that appear on your Utilities Kingston bill, please visit Understanding Your Electricity Bill at UtilitiesKingston.com.

Ontario’s system-wide electricity supply mix is the combination of electricity sources used to generate the electricity consumed in Ontario. Under Ontario Regulation 416/99, the Ministry of Energy is responsible for providing Ontario’s electricity supply mix data for electricity suppliers.

The following table shows the supply mix data for 2023, as determined by the Ministry and posted by the OEB.

Ontario’s Electricity Mix* - 2023
Electricity Sources
Nuclear energy 50.8%
Waterpower 24.5%
Natural gas*  12.5%
Wind  8.7%
Solar PV 2.3%
Bioenergy 0.4%
Other (non-emitting) ** 0.8%

* Includes Lennox and dual fuel (natural gas/bioenergy) and non-contracted emitting generation consistent with IESO.

** Other represents a variety of non-contracted fuel types that the IESO is unable to categorize due to a lack of information from Local Distribution Companies (LDCs).


  1. Figures may not add to 100 per cent due to rounding.
  2. Figures do not account for the sale and retirement of Clean Energy Credits (CECs).