Conditions of Service

Every electricity distributor in Ontario must have its own “Conditions of Service” document to communicate its operating practices, the types and level of service available to customers within its service area, and its connection policies. From time to time, changes occur to the Conditions of Service and are listed and described in a Record of Changes document (available below). Kingston Hydro reviews and revises its Conditions of Service on an ongoing basis to meet the needs of customers and to keep pace with regulatory requirements.

Kingston Hydro’s Conditions of Service document is for residential and commercial customers, contractors, developers, generators, and the suppliers who conduct business with Kingston Hydro on a regular basis. The document includes information on:

Comments? Questions?

Kingston Hydro welcomes written comments and questions from its customers regarding these Conditions of Service. Please email

Conditions of Service – Supporting Documents

Appendices A - D

Additional Information

More information, from